Matthew Baker was born in 1966, in North Vancouver, British Columbia. He has lived in North Vancouver amongst the Squamish Nation peoples all his life.
There he honed his skills and became a master carver, which gave him the opportunity to teach in a school setting and instill his knowledge into new carvers.
He started carving wood in 1978 and then gold and sliver jewelry in 1983 and he continues to this present day.
Matthew has been commissioned by many prestigious corporations and incorporated his artwork into their architecture and beautification of buildings.
He had the wonderful opportunity to demonstrate Totem Pole carving during Expo 86, and that turned into many commissions by collectors of totem poles being sent all over north America and to Europe.
He is from KWAKWAKA'WAKW background from Vancouver Island and Coast Salish, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Matthews' unique style is evident in his many works of art ranging from Cedar masks, carved cedar doors, fine jewelry and Totem poles.
Click here to view Mathew's Kumukwa mask