1" wide, 6" long with a 1" opening. Adjustable. Sterling silver with 8 gold eyes. The bracelet depicts a bear woman. To the left and right of her are her grizzly bear cubs.
The 'Bear Mother Story' is shared among north coast tribes with slight variations. The story goes that while an aristocratic woman was picking berries she stepped and slipped in bear scat which got all over her. She also spoiled her berries and this so upset her that and she made loud comments criticizing and disrespecting the bears. Nearby grizzly bears heard her and were offended. They captured the woman and took her back to their village as a prisoner. While confined mouse woman came to her and helped her convince the bears to free her. She was forced to marry the nephew of a grizzly bear chief. She gave birth to twin sons who had a mix of human and bear features. She was eventually rescued by her brothers. She and her sons brought back the bear hunting songs and ceremonies to their people. That was the beginning of the bear clan.
Bill Reid's 'Spirit of Haida Gwaii' has a male grizzly bear, a human bear mother and the two cubs at the prow of the canoe. The story has also been illustrated by many famous Native artists on totem poles and other carvings.