Beau Dick Shaman Mask

Indigenous art by renowned Kwak'waka'wakw artist Beau Dick. He rubbed the mask with his fingers for a long period to produce the antique appearance. About 14" high including horns and cedar bark.

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The Shaman holds a unique and respected position in Native cultures.  He or she mediates between this world and the spirit world. With aid from particular helpers on the other side the Shaman is able to doctor the sick, predict future events, and produce counselling and advice for individuals and communities.  He carries messages to and from the spirit world and transmits gifts to the spirits from the ones that are being helped. 

In this mask the Shaman is depicted with his tongue is hanging out and his eyes rolled back because his spirit has temporarily left his body. He is travelling in another dimension. 

When asked what the horns represented, the artist said they were something like antennae indicating the Shaman's sensitivity.

Read about the late Beau Dick.

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