1/2" Gold Eagle Bracelet

Indigenous art hand carved 14 kt gold bracelet by a Kwak'waka'wakw / Coast Salish artist Mathew Baker. 1/2" wide, 6" long, with a 1" opening, adjustable.

C$3,400.00 CAD
Availability: In stock (1)

The Eagle is a main family crest in northwest Native cultures.  They are believed to be very sacred and their feathers are used in many ceremonies because they are invested with spiritual power. 

People on the northwest coast wore tattoos depicting family crests and other cultural symbols.  During the time of the Potlatch ban, wearing tattoos was discouraged or punished.  Native people began wearing silver and gold bracelets with Native designs engraved on them.  These could be removed when necessary.  The popularity of cuff bracelets spread from the Native American community to the non-Natives and continues into today.  

Read about Mathew Baker.

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