Whale / Cedar Man / Frog Rattle

SOLD This carving is no longer in stock but we may be able to acquire another similar one.

C$0.00 CAD
Availability: Out of stock

12 1/2" long, dense yellow cedar, hand carved and painted Kwak'waka'wakw rattle.


Gwayum is a word the Kwak'waka'wakw People use for all whales besides the Orca.  This whale is the Right Whale.  Named that because it is the best to kill for all its uses.  The "right" one.  Tse'kame (Cedar Man) who transformed from a cedar tree to man is carved on the belly.  Wakees (Frog) is above the Cedar Man.  The characters are all crest from Gilford Island that belong to the artist.

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