Natural Blue Diamond Turquoise Ring (Navajo)

Native American jewelry created by Ruth Ann Begay (Navajo). Ring size- 5.5. Stone size- 10x19mm. Bandwidth- ½”.

C$540.00 CAD
Availability: In stock (1)

The backfield of this stone of natural Blue Diamond turquoise displays varying hues of blue, some dark inky blotches, some small speckles of light brown – just a fine ring stone all around. Set in a hand-crafted sterling silver frame with silver spheres and saw cuts. Set onto a lightweight split rail band of sterling silver.

Blue diamond turquoise mine was named for producing some of the hardest turquoise in existence.  The mine was closed for many years but is once again being mined in limited quantities.

Read about Ruth Ann Begay.

Read about Blue Diamond Turquoise.

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