Gord Hill was born in 1968. His tribal affiliation is Kwak’waka’wakw and he lives on reserve in Alert Bay. Gord is an activist, a father, a painter and carver, a published author, and a ceremonialist. He has worked tirelessly in the Indian Movement since the 1990”s.
He worked in support of the Mohawk Warrior society during the Oca crisis and afterwards during the trials. Similarly with the Gustafsen Lake Standoff. He was a founding member of the activist Native Youth Movement (NYM), and with them he protested against the BC treaty process. He helped support and protect the fishermen at the ‘Cheam Fish War’. And he fought in support of the Secwepemc People at the actions against the Sun Peaks ski resort expansion. He’s had involvement in almost all the Native resistance in BC since the 1990’s, and also in other parts of Turtle Island.
Gord under the nom de guerre Zig Zag operates a blog called Warrior Publications. He has produced graphic design, posters, tshirts and writing for many social movements and causes. He has published three graphic novels - The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, The Anti-Capitalist Comic Book, and The Antifa comic Book. Gord has many speaking engagements. His writings are in opposition to colonialism, genocide, racism, environmental destruction, and inhumanity. He writes in support of the human race and of all life.
He lives at home where he writes, paints and carves. He has learned from many of the great Kwak’waka’wakw artists.