Gemstone grade Ammolite (Iniskim) only exists in the territory of the Kainai (Blood), the Pikuni (Peigan), and the Siksika (Blackfoot) Indians of Southern Alberta.  The supply of ammolite is very limited and it's rapidly depleting.

The stone was given official gemstone status in 1981 and named Ammolite.  The Native word is Iniskim.  Native People recognize the spiritual significance of the Iniskim: prosperity and good health to the person in contact with it. 

The Story of Iniskim

The Blackfoot tell the story of Iniskim.

One very cold winter, the Tribe were facing starvation because the buffalo herd hadn’t returned to their area.  A woman had a vision dream of a magical stone that would call the buffalo to them.  The next day she was out searching for firewood when she heard a beautiful song.  She followed the song to a cave where she found a brightly coloured stone. She was instructed to complete a ceremony.  After she did that a large herd came to graze beside the camp, and the hunters were able to acquire the food their people needed.  To this day, Native people use Iniskim in ceremonial bundles.

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